Monday, April 14, 2014

Choosing Colors

Okay, so I have been getting lots of questions about what colors are going to be in the nursery. This week I sorted through all the swatches and inspiration pages I had collected and finally decided.
Here is the main combo...with the caveat that there will also be other bright colors in the room.

Navy for the walls, aqua, orange and white for the furniture.

The hubby and I decided to go cheap on the furniture and add our own personal touch, so we got pieces from Ikea and did a little "hacking" to our Swedish finds. The creative juices were put into action as I (along with the minions I could con into helping) painted the crib, dresser and side table for the room. Here is a sneak peek:


  1. don't scrimp on the rocker...mine is 12 years and I love it!

    1. My wonderful in-laws bought us a beautiful Amish built rocker.

  2. My goodness, there is no procrastination for the Weatherwaxes! Yea for y'all being on the ball!
