Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New Projects Percolating...

It has been a couple of weeks since I have added anything here, but projects have been percolating in my brain. My sis Sarah is a great cook and loves to try out new recipes on Scott and I (to which we never object - it is like eating out for free!) She is always collecting recipes from different sources, and she actually prints them out - unlike me who just looks them up online, makes them, and then can never find the recipe again when I want to make that delicious dish we tried three weeks ago. (Yes, Krystal W., I have started adding them to Evernote.) Anyhoo, she has a binder that she keeps them all in, but to be frank, it is kind of utilitarian (yes, that is nice for ugly). After all, she is the accountant, and I am the artist, so our needs differ - she cares about the actual recipes, I care how the collection looks. So when I mentioned something, she of course suggested that since I am the one with free time right now, I could design something for her. So here is a sneak peek some of the preliminary sketches for the section title pages:

As this is still in the initial planing stage, these could change drastically, but right now the plan is to create them in black and white - maybe with a hint toward the look of a print, but we will see what happens. That's the beauty of creative projects - I can have a plan, but somewhere along the way, if I am letting the spirit of creativity guide me, the project morphs into something different and often better.

The other project that is still percolating in the back of my brain is art for the baby's room. Right now I am thinking of doing an alphabet series, but I am having trouble deciding on one theme. I want something fun, inspiring, bright, playful, and of course gender neutral. The one I am leaning towards right now is "travel" and doing a different country for each letter. But I could use your help - if you have ideas for themes or for countries I could include in the travel them, please let me know. With about 20 weeks left, and the cookbook to finish first, My timeline will have to be a couple a week to get all 26 finished and framed before the baby gets here.

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