Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 20

Can you tell what I have been thinking about? Usually around Spring Break time I start dreaming about the beach. (Let's be honest, I dream about the beach year round.) I fell in love with Savannah, GA in college because of its charm, but also its proximity Tybee Beach. I have spent many days laying on a towel at the State Park on Galveston Island. I got married on the beach in St. Croix. I love the feel of the warm breezes, the sound of the waves in the background, the smell of the salt (and sometimes the seaweed), and even the free exfoliation of the sand. It is meditative, relaxing and reviving. 

(Thanks to my SIL Cheryl for picking up this shell in St. Croix and giving it to us to remember our great wedding week.)

watercolor (and watercolor pencil), 8" x 8", from observation, ~2.5 hours

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