Sunday, December 7, 2014

Creating Christmas - Memento Ornaments

I knew I wanted to do something for the baby's first Christmas, and I still had the hospital cap and bracelet that he came home with. I didn't know what else I planned to do with them, and this was so simple. Of course I got the larger ornament to be able to get the cap inside, and used a pen to move things around until I liked it.

This is our 3rd Christmas in this house, but really the first one in which we have time to decorate. The first one, we moved in about 3 days before Christmas, The second one we were visiting family in Australia and arrived home on Christmas Eve. Again, I found this idea on Pinterest and loved the simplicity - and bonus, I already had the materials!

1 comment:

  1. what a cute idea. By the time you get old your tree will have so many memories .
